Wednesday, August 19


Homes and houses have been around since the dawn of humanities progressing intelligence. Whether it be a hut or a tent, or even a plot of 'territory', we have always had something to figuratively call home. As you can imagine, as humanity progressed and our tools and methods improved, our homes began to take shape and become more civilised, perhaps the most civilised first was Egyptian and Roman houses. Egypt wasn't the first country to adapt to mud houses, but perhaps the smartest with it. Many homes that had been built way back to BC are still standing today, a truly amazing feat considering their day and age, how this happened even through all the sand-storms and theives, archaeologists are baffled. This is a recreation of an egyptian home:

Another spectacle would be the Romans, the first people to ever use the brick, and apparently the first to reside in multi story houses, or as we know them today; Apartment buildings called insulae.

Yes, evidence shows that Romans had indeed rented out rooms stacked on top of each other and live in them like homes! This truly is fantastic, especially considering the similarity to the apartment buildings today, have a look for yourselves!
Egyptian and Roman building were both incredibly advanced for their age, well beyond it. They both show improvements in different fields; Romans for occupation. Egyptians for structure. But this is only a little fragment of a whole area we have yet to cover, these marvelous buildings are just a little highlight. Please wait for my next post as we look into Aqueducts and Tombs

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Although it may not seem it, Roman and Egyptian architecture have always been influencing each other. From obelisks to statues, they have always had some input to the others designing strategies, even though they were miles apart!

Egyptian statue

Egyptian statue
This statue can be found in the Roman Vatican. It is an Egyptian god in Roman robes.